Saturday, August 31, 2019

OSGi Remote Services with Apache Dubbo

ECF's implementation of OSGi R7 Remote Services allows for replacing the underlying distribution system (repsonsible for the object serialization, transport, and other things). 

This makes it relatively easy to replace one kind of distribution (e.g. Jersey, ActiveMQ) with other/new distribution systems. 

Apache Dubbo has recently been contributed to Apache, and we've created a distribution provider based upon Apache Dubbo.

Here's a list of open ECF Remote Service distribution providers.   If you would like Remote Services support for a particular transport, or you've created your own distribution (or discovery) based upon some other transport and wish to make it available to others please let us know.

Wednesday, April 03, 2019

New Release: Python<->Java Remote Services

There is a new release (2.9.0) of the ECF distribution provider for OSGi R7 Remote Services between Java and Python.

This release has:

An upgraded version of Py4j
An upgraded version of Google Protocol Buffers
Enhancements to the distribution provider based upon the improved Py4j and Protobuf libs

In this previous blog posting there are links to tutorials and examples showing how to use remote services between Python<->Java.

Python<->Java remote services can be consumed or implemented in either Java or Python.

Monday, February 25, 2019

RESTful OSGi R7 Remote Services with Jersey 2.28 or Apache CXF 3.3

For some time, ECF has had remote service distribution providers that use the Jersey or the CXF implementation of standard Java API for RESTful Web Services (JaxRS). 

These distribution providers allow OSGi R7 Remote Services to be defined via JaxRS annotations and implemented by either Jersey 2.28 or CXF 3.3

OSGi R7 Remote Services provides support for renite service discovery, dynamics, versioning, configuration and extension of the distribution providers, and asynchronous remote calls as well as other features of the OSGi R7 Remote Services and Remote Service Admin specs.

This tutorial shows the use of OSGi Remote Services with these JaxRS distribution providers on Apache Karaf.

There is also a new version of the ECF Bndtools workspace template with example Bndtools projects showing the use of these distribution providers to define, configure, run and deploy RESTful OSGi R7 Remote Services with Bndtools 4.2+.