Saturday, April 21, 2007

Skype Provider for ECF

ECF is soon going to make available a dev build for a Skype Provider. If you have some appropriate sounds, please consider donating them to us to use as a ring tone within Eclipse. See bug #182840.

Monday, April 02, 2007

ECF 1.0.0 milestone 6 released

ECF 1.0.0 milestone 6 released. Some cool new stuff...e.g.

1) A new 'bot' API/plugin ( to allow people to create IM and chat room robots that can respond to messages.
2) Committer Remy Suen has created a very cool Bot Framework Tutorial.
3) A history API for IM/chat room history.
4) Peer-to-peer file transfer over XMPP
5) Work on file transfer API to support the Equinox provisioning incubator effort.

Here's the download page:
New and Noteworthy:

And we've done lots of work on making the ECF core and API plugins able to run on any/all Equinox runtimes (e.g. servers, RCP, Eclipse, etc). See this bug here for details: bug #176322.

Next Up: Implementation of ECF call API with Jingle (Google Talk), and Skype as well as support for Europa M7, further work on supporting Equinox provisioning as needed, a continuous build server for daily integration builds, and bug fixes (of course).